Perfect Clarity
Stop for a moment and just watch the flow of experience, the flow of whatever is appearing. Notice how it is constantly changing, how the flow of experience looks and feels different from moment to moment.
Now, as you notice this constantly changing flow of experience, appreciate something quite remarkable and that is that all that’s appearing is doing so in perfect clarity. By definition the fact that something has appeared is evidence of this pristine, perfect clarity.
No matter how this moment may be appearing, no matter how it might feel or how we might describe it, it is clearly whatever it is. A moment of happiness. Perfectly clear it is that. A moment of sorrow? Perfectly clear it is that. A moment of clarity? Perfectly clear it is that. A moment of confusion? Perfectly clear it is that!
Everything may be changing, never the same from moment to moment. But the clarity is constant, the perfect, ever-present clarity of what is.