Sunday Zoom Meetings: 10 am Pacific Time.
What: John hosts a weekly meeting on Zoom that is open to the public (no charge, donations welcome). These meetings offer an opportunity to explore a very simple yet profound and ultimately liberating question: “What is experience actually made of?” Happiness, sorrow, joy, anger, jealousy, fear, hope—no matter how we might categorize or define experience, the exploration of this question reveals that every instant of life is a free fall into the most astonishing freedom, openness, subtlety and depth.
When: Sundays, 10 am to 11:30 am Pacific time, USA.
Where: Zoom Meeting Link (remains same for all meetings).
You can also join the meeting via phone (audio only) by calling: (669) 900-6833 (US Toll #) and entering the meeting ID: 838 9516 3441 or clicking: to find your local phone number.